Truth is in the interests of the people. 真理是符合人民利益的。
Everything we say and do must be in the interests of the people. 我们的一切言论和行动都应符合人民的利益。
In the interests of privacy, some people prefer to use hashcodes of e-mail addresses. 出于隐私的考虑,有些人喜欢用电子邮件地址的哈希码。
It is in the interests of the global economy. 美元坚挺符合美国的利益,也符合全球经济的利益。
But the state retains the right to create money, in the interests of the public. 但政府保留着创造货币的权利,这是为了保护公众的利益。
This policy would be in the interests of the Chinese people themselves. 这项政策将符合中国人民的自身利益。
This suggestion is made in the interests of all concerned. 这个建议是为了照顾各有关方面的利益而提出的。
In the interests of both countries and of vital importance to world peace and stability. 符合两国的利益,对维护世界和平稳定也至关重要。
I have never committed one act that was not in the interests of my people. 我还从来没有做过一件不利于人民的事情。
Both sides need to have equal access to forensic expertise in the interests of fairness and justice. 双方需要有权同等获取法庭的专门技术,以满足公平和正义的要求。
Countless revolutionary martyrs have laid down their lives in the interests of the poeple. 无数革命先烈为了人民的利益牺牲了他们的生命。
In the interests of maximizing resource allocation and minimizing potential complications, all surgery was completed without internal fixation. 为了最优化地分配资源,并将潜在的并发症最小化,完成所有的手术均没有进行内固定。
The conclusion of peace is in the interests of both countries. 达成和平协定对两国都有利。
Of, relating to, or in the interests of utility. 有效用的,与效用有关的,效用的。
Under what circumstances and to what extent might we, in the interests of furthering development, find it desirable to intervene in a market system? 为了推进发展,在什么情况下和什么限度内我们能发现干预市场体系是可取的呢?
Limited to or in the interests of a particular nation. 某一特定国家的或国家利益的。
It is not in the interests of any of us to have a weak government. 政府软弱无力对我们任何人都没有好处。
These changes are the minimum needed for a banking system run in the interests of shareholders, customers and the economy, not bankers. 要使银行体系符合股东、客户和英国经济的利益,而不是银行家的利益,这些变革是最起码的要求。
Itshould not, in the interests of peace, be our attitude today. 从和平的利益来看,这也不是我们今天应有的态度。
Most importantly, they are now in the interests of the people for his country. 最重要的是,他们现在都是在为本国人民谋利益的。
Marrying is in the interests of the two countries. 密切合作符合这两个国家的利益。
The government censored the book in the interests of national security. 为了国家安全起见,政府审查了该书。
In the interests of providing true and accurate data we welcome any feedback you have regarding any translations used. 同时,为了更好的提供真实准确的信息数据,我们欢迎您向我们提出任何关于翻译方面的反馈意见。
Religion can meet the spiritual needs of our people and is in the interests of the nation as well. 宗教能够满足人们精神上的需要,也配合国家的需要。
More important, are they in the interests of the nation? 更重要的是,这些观点是否符合国家的利益?
He was not prepared to sacrifice this principle in the interests of domestic harmony. 他不准备为了家庭的和睦而牺牲这一原则。
All previous historical movements were movements of minorities, or in the interests of minorities. 过去的一切运动都是少数人的或者为少数人谋利益的运动。
The conclusion of this agreement is in the interests of both sides. 签订这份合同对双方都有好处。
The only difference is that I act in the interests of the state. 唯一的区别是我的行为符合国家的利益。
A.The fair management shall take all reasonable security precaution in the interests of exhibitors and visitors. A. 为参展商和参观者的安全着想,展览管理部门应采取一切可行的安全防范措施。